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I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

11 October 2012

Active Defense

Another buzzword at the conference is Active Defense. Introduced by Francis deSouza in his keynote on day 1, it is based on the idea that wars are not only won by defending, but also by attacking and eliminating threats. The concept is off course controversial and the legal, technical and ethical challenges have been raised by a number of latter speakers.

This morning, Josh Corman raised the idea of resurrecting Letters of Marque as a means of regulating active defense. I am not convinced that this approach will solve the legal and ethical challenges.

Letters of Marque, were granted by European monarchs to sanction specific pirates and allow them to carry out their piracy (usually as long as it was not in their backyard). Effectively, it was state sanctioned criminals; and the idea to enable Letters of Marque for cyber attacks will open a Pandora's box.

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