About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

20 July 2006

Morning Radio Blues

I used to be a big fan of Mark Gillman. In fact, my alarm clock radio thingie is tuned to 5FM for this reason. But off course, Mark Gillman is gone from 5FM, and his replacement, Gareth Cliff is crap. So, I ask, are there any good breakfast shows on radio - specifically, something that won't put me back to sleep? I promise to try all suggested shows.


Ciaa said...

i drive to work while listening the MetroFM's sound of breakfast (sob@metrofm.co.za), it ain't bad for me. i especially appreciate their traffic reports, and their sports update.

alapan said...

I will give it a try

Anonymous said...

I can either recommend Nigel Pierce on GHFM in the morning (his social and political commentary is inciteful (or is that insightful *grin*) to say the least. And if you like hip-hop, he plays some good stuff; just watch out for the Kinky-Afro after 8 o'clock. He also plays Supadan so of course I have to recommend him...

Otherwise, if you like the current affairs thing, go with John Perlman and Nikiwe Bikitsha on SAFM in the morning. Also a good show.