Museum Africa, in Newtown, has one of the most interesting ideas, that is certainly unique amongst the museums I have visited. One of the main displays, is about the Treason Trial - a fore runner to the Rivonia Trial (see here for more details), where over 150 people, including well known figures such as Nelson Mandela, Albert Luthuli and Walter Sisulu, were charged with treason; and no one was convicted.
In the first part, (as far as I know), every defendant has a portrait (either photograph or drawn) and a small plaque giving some brief biographic details. But, here is the really interesting part - under each portrait, is a little red book, and the public is invited to write down comments and facts about that person. For some well known figures, there is actually no real information - just a lot of praise from the public - a sort of public, buut anonymous, thanks giving. But it is for some really lesser known figures, that commentary shines through. Even minute details, such as the name of the family dog, or how the person lived in their daily life. Some of the accounts are truly mesmerising. There are other parts to the display also - a discussion of what is meant by treason, a collage of press reports, photography from journalists, profiles on the lawyers and judges involved; etc. But it is the first part that truly shines.
The other parts of the museum are also interesting - there is a display of Gandhi's time in Johannesburg; a small display of South Africa's human past (Taung child etc) - a display I think should be really expanded; a display on the history of some of Gauteng's townships, a display of music in South Africa (no actual music played unfortunately) and then an amazing collection and display of photography and history of photography.
Museum Africa is a definite visit, if you have time in Gauteng - and since it is free entry, I don't see why there should be a reason not to.