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I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

14 November 2007

First Snow

So the first winter snow fell in Erlangen today. Very light snow to be honest, and except for some open areas like parks, you could not actually see the result.

Snow seems to bring out a lot of excitement, which I find amusing and slightly puzzling to be honest. After all, while snow is something novel, that is hardly the case with most of my German colleagues. It is after all just water :) And the mud and dirt mixed with the snow (as it melts) is hardly pretty. But I will admit - walking through a light snowfall is a lot better than walking through rain ;)

But I think people really long for a "good" snowfall ... not just a few flakes. Then off course the landscape does change dramatically. That, and the prospect of a white Christmas seem to be the real attraction; not snow for itself.

Well, I hear it is snowing (a lot more) in Zurich ... maybe I will experience a good snowfall :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also heard it has been snowing quite a lot in Zurich. I find that city snow is not worth the beauty, since it turns into slush too quickly. However, if you go to a small village (I sometimes go to one in Italy for Christmas) then it is something just wonderful!

In a way I'm glad it was a warmish winter when I was in Zurich a year ago. And I'm glad to hear that where I'm going it barely snows. It's nice the first, second, third time. But then it starts getting a bit too much!