About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

22 October 2007

The Rhine Valley

I saw most of the Rhine Valley through the train - first the more high speed ICE Express to Koblenz, and later, the more sedate regional train on the way back.

The Rhine Valley is beautiful, and littered with old, small towns - many dating back to the Roman days. Due to the tight timeline, I did not have time to stop at any of the towns between Mainz and Koblenz.

Both sides of the river are lined with cycle paths, and I would really like to cycle from Mainz, to Koblenz and then through the Mossel River valley. Much of it is flat, and it is only about 200 Km in length ... easily doable really - especially if you stop often. But, I can't really do it this year ... it needs to be done in Summer :)

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