About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

31 October 2007

Airport Security

Ever since my first visit, I am always "randomly" selected for extra security screening at US airports. Once you are on the list it seems that you will never get off!

For the first time this year, I had experience with the new, improved version of the extra security check, featuring some very interesting explosive testing (new machines that check for explosives on the person) and then extra screening for explosives for bags and hand luggage. This extra screening takes a lot longer but does not require being patted down etc.

I must compliment the TSA officials actually - for the first time I have been through the airport security checks, I got the idea that the officials actually knew what they were checking for, and were not just going through the motions. They were also all friendly, despite being short staffed. It seems that the TSA vacancies are just not being filled, despite the demand. One of the officials confessed that the job is basically unattractive, and gave me the feeling that she would take a different job herself if she could.

Airport security is important, of that there is no doubt. But looking at all the expensive gadgetry, I wonder - is the cost of security working out to be more than the actual cost of the risks? After all, TSA can claim to have prevented a repeat of another 9/11 attack - but that is a hollow claim, because there is no evidence that there was any attempt at such an attack.

Furthermore, short staffing the security apparatus not only creates extra delays for passengers in being processed, but means that the security checks are rushed, and possibly not as thorough. In this scenario, not only are the security checks expensive, but ultimately ineffective: i.e. useless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should check this link on the TSA website: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/customer/redress/index.shtm

Sounds like you're not just getting sent to secondary randomly - could be something to do with your name. Maybe it's the same or similar to someone on the No Fly List. You can very easily apply for redress which might make your travels easier.