About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

13 October 2005

Movie: Sin City

Ronald calls it the best movie of the year, and one of the best ever. It has had a lot of hype, mainly because of the technology behind the movie, and is definitely one of the most stylish movies of the year. I am not sure about best; although it would definitely be amongst the best. I loved the contrast of colours, the storyline (the whole concept of have prostitutes as a gun wielding self defenders of their trade was a brilliant concept), the whole plot of revenge and just the general depravity of the villains. I am somewhat glad that I never got round to watching Sin City on the PC, and waited for it to be finally released on the big screen. I just have one question - which scene was directed by Tarantino ... I think I can guess but would like to know for sure.

And my previous post was about South African movies - Sterkinekor screened a (real) short movie about baby Tshepang, and yes the subject is definitely more tragic and different to a comedy; but the movie was just so much better; so much more engaging. There is hope after all ... although the movie I am really looking forward to is "Tsotsi" which is based on a Athol Fugard novel; but that's going to be released only next year in SA.

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