About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

13 October 2005

Movie: Crazy Monkey presents: Straight Outta Benoni

If the title hasn't given it away - it's a South African movie; and unlike some of the other recent South African movies including Yesterday, this movie is being heavily promoted. This movie is also the worst (the most polite description I could think of really) South African movie I have ever seen (yes even worse than the infamous Swart Kat movie they used to show when the Afrikaans teachers had nothing else to do at School).

The movie stars some of the biggest comedians in South Africa, but frankly the movie is not funny - well there are some moments but too far in between. The acting is poor at best; and while the general production is good; most local series, sitcoms and short movies are often far better. And if you were wondering about the plot ... it's best not to ask.

1 comment:

Damian Burke said...

Hmmm... I quite enjoyed the movie. I recently had visitors out from the UK, and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yeah, the acting isn't 100% and it can often be awkward at times, but that just made it so much sweeter.

I was reading comments on a movie site and someone said "watch Tsotsi instead for a good South African movie"... hmmm... not really in the same category, plus, Tsotsi wasn't great either.

I watched Red Dust recently too, and man, was that a bad South African shit sarmie - but, to be fair, it was an American African production.

Ok, I couldn't comment on the movie site without joining, so thought I'd have a 'ramble' here.