About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

27 September 2010

The 3D movie rant

I hate 3D movies. I see no advantage that most 3D movies have, in terms of making the audience as part of the action; over most 2D movies. I say most, because there are a few exceptions - such as U2 3D; or in the case of Avatar, where the visuals were simply stunning. However; in most cases - 3D effects are mostly after thoughts, with no real impact on the experience.

And then there is the cost aspect. To watch a 3D movie, there is a premium in the ticket price. Added to that, I discovered last night, Ster Kinekor now charges R5 for 3D glasses. It seems to be an utter waste - not only will people not return these glasses, chances are, they will not bother bringing them along to the next show either.

3D "feature" has spread to TVs and Blue Ray players; and I still don't see the point of it all. There are quite a few rants and justifications on why 3D is just a fad, on the web - so I am not going to regurgitate it - but I am honestly perplexed why 3D is promoted as a miracle experience; when most 3D media just doesn't really make much use of it; or do it very well.

1 comment:

Sarai Pahla said...

Dude - 3D X-games was the best use ever. That and 3D diving to the Titanic. Documentaries tend to be okay.

"Prices will rise, politicians will philander and you too will grow old"