About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

20 October 2007

Music: Dark Passion Play

Rudy first introduced me to Nightwish, I think sometime last year. Since then, I have been hooked - their combination of opera and heavy rock/metal/instrumental was amazing, as was their inclusion of other styles of music into their whole package. Since then some things have changed: their lead singer, and the operatic voice, Tarja Turunen left, and a new singer Anette Olzon was selected after a worldwide audition.

They released their latest album last month, and I finally went to get it this morning. The musical style has certainly changed - but not necessarily for the worse. Anette's style is a lot more poppy, but more Gwen Stefani rather than Britney ... so not bad at all.

What impressed me most about the album though is how it has been put together, and features a very impressive mix of music and styles. It is overall still a rock album, but features a lot more string instruments, some Irish music, some choir and even a full orchestra. Most impressive is their first song, The Poet and The Pendulum, is like a mini opera, and as an album, I think it is the most impressive album I have come accross for a long time. At 18 Euros, it was certainly not cheap, but definitely well worth it.

On the note of pop stars, I found it very amusing, that at Virtual Goods, every one used Britney Spears as the artist of the song they were trying to protect. I have also found that people tend to use Titanic as the movie they want to protect. I think that these are the works I would least like to protect with DRM and is probably why no one takes DRM seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, glad you enjoyed the album. I think it's one of my favourite albums of the year. And it's a good follow up to their previous album, Once.