About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

10 July 2007

Roadtrip: Day 3: Kolga to Durban

For the first time, I actually managed to leave at 6am! And it was damn cold (well in South African standards anyway). I stopped very briefly by the Great Fish River, but it barely a stream. No sign of all the rain we had in Cape Town, ever reaching this far! In fact, most of Transkei looked very dull and brown. But the road itself, despite the potholes, is a lot of fun to drive. Long mountain passes and great views makes for interesting driving experience. Again, a nice car is really needed to make the most of it.

The one weird part of the whole trip through the Transkei was the amount of roadkill I came across. Not sure what the animals were - looked like cats and dogs - I didn't bother to really investigate. Regardless, it was somewhat creepy.

One other point of interest - there was a hint of snow on the mountains by Kokstad. That is however not too surprising - last week, the whole town was snowed in, and the roads were closed!

Another welcome change from the Transkei - Kwa Zulu Natal is so much greener! I more or less drove straight from Kokstad, with one stop to fill up petrol (which I didn't really need). A long trip, but I would love to do it again!

1 comment:

Ciaa said...

cool. roadtrips are always nice. especially when there is no rush, essentially, you can get lost and be back on track again. all in the name of fun. i see you have some pictures as well. plus a random tree. :)