About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

18 January 2012

Table Mountain

I effectively left Cape Town in June 2007; but I have been back many times since. In fact, since April last year, I have spent a significant amount of my time in Cape Town. And I have been wanting to hike up Table Mountain every time; but never got round to it for some reason or another. In fact last time I was in Cape Town, I brought my backpack, my hiking boots, etc. and it rained ... in December!

Today, despite the hot weather, I decided I must walk up. So, I dumped all the contents of my office backpack, grabbed a large bottle of water and went off; in the late afternoon. There wasn't as much shade as I hoped for - but it was enough. And although I made some good time in the initial 70 - 80% of the way up; the last bit was a real struggle; though it seems more for my fitness than the heat (although I was soaked as if I just got out of the pool).

Despite the heat and the struggle; I really enjoyed the peace and quiet. Despite it still being the holiday season, there weren't too many people when I was going up. I assume the heat turned many people off. There was a hive of activity from the birds and insects; and I even spotted a small buck foraging on the cliffs of Platekloof Gorge; which is a very rare sight on the mountain.

In the end I decided to take the cable car down - I haven't been on it since my first time up the mountain, about 9 years ago. As the heat waned, a lot more visitors appeared, and the cable cars were very busy. I need to go up more often (and come down the gorge also!).

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