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I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

01 April 2014

Day Light Saving Time and the Temple of Poseidon

The ancient Greeks really knew where to build their monuments and temples. In a small village outside Athens, called Suino, they built the temple of Poseidon on a cliff at the edge of the Aegean Sea. It is the same location where Aegeus is meant to have jumped off the cliff on the mistaken assumption that his son Theseus (who according to lend would go on to found Athens) died in his battle with the Cretan Minotaur. 

The drama of going to and from the temple was worthy of the legends - we took a public bus, but it would only get is half way; whereupon we shared a cab with a Mexican father and son also going to the temple. 

The temple itself is renowned for the colours during sunset; which has been around 6:30pm the last few days. With the last bus at 7pm, we thought we got it right; only to discover that due to daylight savings switch the day before, sunset was now at 7:45pm but the last bus was still 7pm. And the last bus, was late in arriving - but still ended up leaving only 5-10 minutes after 7; so the sunset was still missed at the temple.

All said, it was still an amazing sight. It is definitely worth the effort to go there - just don't rely on public transport to see the sunset.

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