About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

16 November 2010

The Beatles ...

With Apple finally releasing The Beatles catalogue on iTunes, they have also released the first US concert free for streaming. What stands out from the concert, is it seems that almost the entire audience was screaming women. Which does not make it roo different to Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers etc ... I doubt however that any of the modern day equivalents will last as long as The Beatles.


Sarai Pahla said...

Yeah... funny that compliment after saying:
[2010/11/14 10:12:05 PM] yes, before one got asssasinated, one got high, one got into messy divorces and one got forgotten.
I'm glad you have some respect for the greats, but like, duh, they were the first boy band? And how can you mention the ANTICHRIST in your blog post, hau.

alapan said...

Respect? I just compared The Beatles to Justin Bieber ...

Sarai Pahla said...

"I doubt however that any of the modern day equivalents will last as long as The Beatles."

So undeniably true, that it makes me shed a geki-ga tear of joy.