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I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

05 September 2015

JPO in concert with Joshua Bell

At the last Joshua Bell concert, the hall was overflowing. This time around, it was a near capacity crowd - but not full. The ticket prices were very high - so it was not that surprising. The JPO is finally out of business rescue (resulting mostly from creditors writing off their debts), and the concert also launched a new era, with a close partnership with the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, resulting in a joint CEO of Bongani Tembe. Hopefully, this concert was a good start toward a successful future.

Like the last Joshua Bell concert, this one also started with Weber's Der Freischütz Overture. It starts slowly, but slowly builds up tempo and instruments before a big flourish at the end. It's a fun piece to start off a concert. The symphony concert for the evening was Tchaikovsky's Symphony No 2. I love the final movement of this piece; and find it quite different to the previous 3 movements - almost as if it is not even part of the same work. While the middle two movements are slow (and quite boring in my opinion), the final movement is energetic, frantic and lots of fun.

Joshua Bell's performance was Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto; a virtuoso piece that brought the audience to a standing ovation. It was a mesmerising performance, and was definitely worth the ticket price.

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