About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

28 January 2007

Movie: Kairo (Pulse)

The Japanese Film festival is on at the V&A,and it's free. Simon and I went to watch a movie, not even knowing (or caring) what the movie was about. The concept is pretty simple (and easy to understand if you have seen other Japanese Anime/Manga etc) ... after death all souls (from all types of animals) go to one place. That place has a finite capacity, and thus one day it will over flow, and then it will over flow to a different space - ours, and it has begun. In between that, there is also a bit of interesting philosophising: most religions with a heaven usually promise a life of fulfilment. However, what if it was the opposite - what if, eternity is just boring, and completely devoid of any company and completely lonesome.

And as ghosts start appearing, people who meet the ghosts are torn by this realisation, and usually get shocked to death that no one really cares; and no one will care. And to compound problems, it has spread over to the electronic systems, and every one is becoming infected.

It is a slow, and rather haunting movie. It's not horror through blood and gore, but rather of the bone chilling variety ... where you get scared by the reactions of the characters and the environment. And as people disappear, the new empty environment itself is a nightmare ... like the empty subway train in Tokyo, or the deserted streets. In a way, that is more terrifying.

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