About Me

I ramble about a number of things - but travel experiences, movies and music feature prominently. See my label cloud for a better idea. All comnments and opinions on this blog are my own, and do not in any way reflect the opinions/position of my employer (past/current/future).

15 January 2006

Hungarian Phrasebooks and Rejections

It's sort of bittersweet - on one hand I am leaving for Hungary on Tuesday evening to attend the 5th INDICARE Workshop, where I am incidentally the first presenter. I am also getting to spend a few nights in Budapest, and I have heard from many people that it's a very interesting city to visit. So my thanks must go to INDICARE for organising and paying for the trip - very much appreciated - and I hope my presentation is useful to the workshop.

The first thoughts that ran through my mind when I did get the invitation was the classic Monty-Python skit. The Hungarian language is not related to any of the Latin languages, so communication might be very difficult - as even the simple words are so different. Hopefully, my list of common words (greetings, yes/no, numbers, directions etc) in my European guidebook (which has been remarkably useful for the past year) does not suffer the same fate as the guidebooks in the skit.

As for the depressing news - I just found out that the two papers I submitted to IFIP-Sec in Sweden were rejected. However they both come with more than 6 pages of comments, so hopefully I can re-edit the papers and submit it somewhere else and get them published.


Anonymous said...

Aw SHAME! It got REJECTED. No travelling for you :( You must be so dissapointed, considering that's possibly the only part of Europe that you haven't been to in the last two year. :P I just... I don't know how you're going to survive... *sniff*sniff*

alapan said...

It is a big disappointment - I mean the conference was just before the opening weekend of the 2006 FIFA world cup! It would have been so easy to take an extended 1 week side trip ...